Sunday, February 8, 2009

Picture Wall/Seating area entry???

So I have this entry way that already has a console on one side and I have the opposite side EMPTY! It is such a large wall and I have no clue what to do with it...

So I started thinking about a picture wall with a bench or something underneath...I think it would fill the space beautifully.

I have one picture of that area during Hubster's 80's themed surprise B-day party, and the wall is covered by white paper because it was the "grafitty" area =)

here it goes, <-----------to the left.

and here are my inspiration pics:

Pottery Barn: And this is my favorite =)

West Elm

West Elm

Pottery Barn

So, what do you think? Any suggestions?



  1. I think I can not live with out that bench, that's the truth

  2. yes. def. that bench! that thing is gorgeous..and I like the idea of a picture wall.



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